Pumping Up Your Home Gym

Staying fit and burning off stress—not to mention calories—are more important than ever as we face the challenges of these unprecedented times.  I know I definitely need to keep moving or I’ll go crazy—hahaha! After years of staying in shape so I can keep up with my very active sons and husband, I have learned that my workouts need to be easily accessible, enjoyable and motivating in order to stay on track. One of the best places to find all of those elements is in your own home gym.  While I do love to head outside for exercise, working out at home is the fastest, most convenient option for me if I’m busy or the weather is bad.  Whether your home gym needs a face-lift or you need to carve out an area for your workout, I can help you make the most of that space by combining creative styling and interior design solutions with the latest and greatest in exercise equipment – check out that cool Peleton bike above!

Is it time to move your home gym out of the family room or bedroom? Photo Courtesy of Peleton
An inviting workout room can take your exercise routine up a notch.  Photo courtesy of Orren-Pickell Building Group

My First Four Must-Haves for a Workout-Friendly Space

Doesn’t this home gym look appealing and inspiring? It makes me want to jump into my workout clothes and hit the treadmill! Here are four reason why I like it:  

  • Bright lighting: Natural light from the windows and the evenly spaced can lights make us feel more energetic than a dimly lit space, and energy equals a better workout.
  • Wall of mirrors: Not only do mirrors magnify light and make a space look larger, they supply feedback about proper form while we exercise, which helps prevent injuries. Plus, if you smile at yourself once in a while, it will lift your mood!
  • Cushiony floor:  The interlocking rubber floor cushions our floor workout and helps suppress noise from treadmills and dropped weights.  The checkerboard design is visually appealing, too.
  • More soundproofing ideas:  Muffling the noise from your gym is smart for you and your family members who may be working, studying or watching TV in other rooms of the house.  Plus, I’m all about protecting my hearing. Accoustical tiles and sound proofed walls are two more ways I can help create a quieter workout.
An easy-to-clean laminate floor with a natural wood look brightens this workout space. Photo courtesy of Orren-Pickell Building Group

Three More Essentials for Your Home Gym

The mullioned doors and bright lighting in this home gym make it another very inviting space. These homeowners chose a laminate floor with a natural wood look that brightens the space and is easy to clean. Just add mats to cushion your floor workout and to reduce the noise from dropped weights. Here are three more home gym essentials:

  • A TV monitor is a valuable multi-purpose piece of equipment in your home gym. I know that being distracted helps me get through an entire routine without getting bored. You can live-stream fitness programs, listen to music, watch the news or tune into the latest episode of your current favorite TV series.
  • Smart storage solutions: Rather than jumbling exercise equipment into a big storage bin, I prefer  wall hooks for easy access to whatever I need. If you are short on storage, I recommend using weights that interlock and take up less room.  Keep those clean towels handy with cabinets or open shelving, too.
  • Water source: An eco-friendly water dispenser is super handy in a home gym and cuts down on plastic bottles. Everyone can fill up their reusable bottles as needed, and you know how important that is to me! I am always thinking of ways to help people live “greener” lives at home. It’s an insurance policy for our future health and the health of the planet.
Working out with a virtual trainer is so motivating. I love this amazing technology from Mirror, and it requires very little space. Photo courtesy of https://www.mirror.co/

Inspirational Accessories

Even a home gym can benefit from accessorizing!  A few well-chosen items can really boost your mood, which pumps up your workout. I like the mix of items of the inset shelves above, the chic and practical stool for holding your towel and cell phone and the floor vase with some cheerful flowers. But let your imagination run wild – the options are infinite:

  • Framed photos on the walls of your hiking trip in the Rockies or kayaking at the lake
  • Trophies from your 5k runs or Iron Man competitions
  • Your favorite inspirational quotes, framed: Just Do It! (Nike)
  • Images of your favorite athletes (I’m a big fan of tennis star Serena Williams, soccer champ Mia Hamm and Olympic track medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee!)
  • Your favorite scented candles or a diffuser (I love outdoor scents, like Sun and Sand or Beach Walk from Yankee candles. They remind me of weekends at our cottage on the lake with my family, including Dreamypie!)

How about You?

If you’re ready to update your home gym, we can connect via email, phone, video call or a safe-distanced meeting.   

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